Sherwood Raw water pump

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Ron Hill

Fond : Follow what Craig mentioned, but your first hurtle will be the mounting. 
The Oberdoffer is mounted in 4 studs that come out from the engine.  The Sherwood is mounted by 2 studs w/lips that are screwed into the engine where you took out the Oberdoffer studs!!
Usually the conversions is from an Oberdoffer to a Sherwood. 
I'm assuming that the shafts on either pump will mate with the slot (drive) in the engine!  A thought
Ron, Apache #788


Checked my Sherwood pump while running and no water drips.
The only evidence is some rusty streaks below the pump where
at one time it apparently did drip.  The holes are open so I guess I
have dodged the bullet so far.  I have 451 hours on the engine.
I hate to address a problem that doesn't exist but I have not changed the impeller
sine I bought the boat in 2002.   :think
Cat34 Mk II True Luff #1582  2001
San Pedro, CA (Port of Los Angeles)


Just to add to the mix: See my horror story re: Sherwood and the "drip":,5073.0.html
This little bit of bad engineering cost us all of July and August 2009 and cost $6000 +.  I never saw a drip because the weep holes were corroded closed. You can't adequately check this without removing the pump. My advice: If you even think there's a Sherwood malfunction - run, don't walk to the parts guy and replace the pump. The alternative sucks.
Stewart Napoleon, Hull #1472, Desiree
Greenwich, CT