Block location for new cruising spinnaker

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s michel

Can anyone offer help on installing sheet blocks for our new cruising spinnaker?

I'd assume they should go as far aft as possible.

I understand they will need a substancial backing plate.

We have the earlier model (1987).


By far the best solution is installation of track along the rail adjacent to the cockpit area.  An 8 ft section on each side gives options.  It's not too hard to install since it will bend relatively easily.  

However, my temporary solution for a similar chute on a 1988 C34 was to wrap webbing loops around the pushpit base with blocks attached to the webbing.  They worked well in any wind you'd care to use a chute.  

When using spinnakers, its worth while tying the blocks to the life lines using shock cord.  It reduces the chaffing and impact on the deck.


Check out "Set-up for Cruising Spinnaker", Jan. 02.  The further back the
sheet blocks can be set, the better.  Gary Storms designed and made some
custom bails that utilized the three bolts on the pushpit base.  There are
metal plates under the deck to support these.  He forwarded the drawings to
me.  I further modified and had a local shop make up two sets.  One set is
mounted on my vessel, I snap blocks on to them and support the blocks off of
the deck with some shock cords.  Works well.  I have the other set available
for sale (should work on any 3 bolt Catalina Pushpit base) or I could email
you a drawing that you could use for local manufacture..if you're interested, email me at