Which Jib for 04 C-34

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My 04 C-34 was purchased in the SF Bay area and came with an 110% jib sail. I sail out of Marina del Rey in So. Calif. where we have moderate winds and I think my boat could benefit from a larger jib. I am planning on upgrading to a new 135% jib. I would appreciate recommendations on sources to consider for this purchase.



Ted Pounds

Can't help w/ a sail-maker, but, since you already have a good heavy air jib, you might want to think about a 155 instead of a 135.  It makes a huge difference in light air.  Just a thought...
Ted Pounds
"Molly Rose"
1987 #447

Jon Schneider

I second Ted's reco, but I don't know your winds.  I'm very happy with a high-clew 145 that I had built by Kappa in Connecticut.  It's not the best of light-weather sails, but is pretty adequate in that regard, and yet is very shape-able for the many days of 15-20 kt winds.  Everyone I know on the left coast swears by Pineapple Sails.  They're in SF, but the owner, Kame, really knows his stuff and could advise you and build a great sail for you.
Jon Schneider
s/v Atlantic Rose #1058 (1990)
Greenport, NY USA


Kappa sails is great and Clark Bassett, the owner is very easy to deal with.

Rock Hall, MD

dave davis

For what its worth, a little history lesson about the 135 sail that now appears in the CY spec sheet.. The original sail selection from CY listed a 130 as the standard sail size and therefore our Fleet 1 in San Francisco has a standard one-design racing sail using a 130%. For some unknown reason the CY decided to change to the 135% which has caused a small flap with the Fleet 1 racers.
So, if you ever decide to sail north and join in our annual regatta, we would love to have you with your 130%. We have had visitors from the South join us in the past.
BTW, all my sails have been made by Pineapple and I have been quite satisfied with their design and workmanship.
Good sailing, Dave
Dave Davis San Francisco, 707, Wind Dragon, 1988, South Beach


I sail out of Cabrillo Beach (San Pedro) and have used a 135% tha came with the boat.  It is about all I need and with the roller furling  I serves me well.  The only time I would want a larger one is if I was racing PHRF. In our racing, I race cruiser class and a larger that 135 sail would penalize me in handicap time.  I assume you have roller furling so my impression is you would be happy with a 135.
Cat34 Mk II True Luff #1582  2001
San Pedro, CA (Port of Los Angeles)