Brightwork Refinishing

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Bill Asbury

Heatgun or Sanding Preferred?

Bill & Penne
Sanderling 2005 C34MKII 1686
Chesapeake Bay

Craig Illman

Heat gun is faster, but you have to be careful not to scorch the teak.


Ron Hill

Asbury : After 20 seasons, I found that taking the teak off the boat is the way to go!  Then I put the flat pieces on a table belt sander (easy does it!!) to get off the Cetol/varnish/what ever.  Then use a finishing sander
On the curved pieces (hand holds) I make a scraper and then finish off with a finishing sander.  If you have plugs to remove use a forrester bit to get a clean outer cut - as those plugs are caulked in!!

It's sooo much easier, goes MUCH faster and you can put the required coats of Cetol/refinishing product on at home (at least on the edges) and finish up on the boat after remounting.
A few thoughts.   :thumb:
Ron, Apache #788

Bill Asbury


Craig & Ron, thanks for your responses.  I'm just learning how to use the mesage board and that was my first post.  Tried the heat gun and scraper which seemed to work ok but hadn't thought of removing teak from boat to work on, tho don't have belt sander at home.  Still, sounds like might be good idea to remove wood and take home to work on.  Unfamiliar with how message board works so assuming this message is going to both of you.

Kind regards and thanks again!


Bill & Penne
Sanderling 2005 C34MKII 1686
Chesapeake Bay

Stu Jackson

Hi, Bill, and welcome to the C34 Message Board.  As a board, ALL of the material is available to everyone and is always "ON" to read and search for information.  This is NOT an "email List," it's full time, real time, and, some would say, usually on topic for technical information.

For some "beginner's" information, try these links to help you out and get started:


Technical Resources:  (use the links in this thread to wander around and find information)

Re your teak:  since the nice part about these message boards is that you're bound to obtain conflicting recommendations, we never take our teak off for refinishing.  We removed all evidence of varnish when we bought the boat in 1998, and replaced it with cetol.  I find getting the handrails back on the boat to be too much effort, so we just lift them for rebedding and re-"painting" with the cetol.  A search on cetol and varnish will turn up more than you'll ever want to know.   :D
Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Cowichan Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

"There is no problem so great that it can't be solved."

Larry Robertie


As the others have suggested it is easiest to take the teak off.  But you don't need a belt sander, in fact I find that a random orbital sander, starting with 80 (yes 80) grit does a great job of removing finish.  I'd then do the teak with nothing finer than a 150.  That sounds pretty rough I know, but Teak has a lot of oil in it and you do not want to create too smooth of a surface, else the new finish will not take.  Also, on that first coat, thin the finish down to 50% finish and 50% whatever it is that's recommended to thin the finish.  That will get you more penetration and a better bond.

Larry Robertie
Ruach #1506
Salem, MA

Bill Asbury

Thanks, Stu & Larry.  I don't know what product the PO put on the teak, but I have random orbital sander and heat gun so will get old stuff off and apply Cetol.  Thanks for the suggestions.

Stu, have been using corporate computer for years to do email and reports in Outlook but slow in navigating Internet outside of work, so appreciate your guidance.  BTW, was in Bay Area on biz Tues-Fri (former Marin resident) and stopped by Latitude 38 in MV to chat with Richard.  Now visiting family in San Diego before returning to The Sailing Capital (Annapolis) tomorrow.

Thanks again!

Bill & Penne
Sanderling 2005 C34MKII 1686
Chesapeake Bay

Ron Hill

Bill : Your orbital sander is OK for taking off the outside finish.  If you want a nice smooth product you'll need a finishing sander for the final touches!!   :thumb: 
Ron, Apache #788

Bill Asbury

Thanks, Ron!  Will visit hardware store and check out sanders.

Bill & Penne
Sanderling 2005 C34MKII 1686
Chesapeake Bay

Mike and Joanne Stimmler

Did you get to do any sailing in the Bay area or San Diego?

Mike and Joanne Stimmler
Former owner of Calerpitter
'89 Tall Rig Fin keel #940
San Diego/Mission Bay

Bill Asbury

Not this trip, Mike, with Bay Area visit strictly business with HP, etc., sailing around in  freeway traffic.
Occasionally sail with friend in Santa Barbara, one of the beauty spots on the planet.
Have son in San Diego who has a kayak, so we went to beach in La Jolla for kayaking and swimming Sunday.

Bill & Penne
Sanderling 2005 C34MKII 1686
Chesapeake Bay