alternator bracket

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Tom Glennon

Greetings from Buzzards Bay!

While checking my engine compartment last evening, I noticed an odd sound, and discovered that my alternator bracket had snapped just below where the tightening nut is on the engine.  I have a 1987 model, with M25XP.
Hansen Marine in Marblehead (the local distributor) is out of stock. Does anyone know of a good source for one?
I am having the broken one I have welded as a quick-fix, as I am leaving for Martha's Vinyard bright and early Thursday.
One thing I will add, due to the broken bracket, the alternator was able to wobble considerably, causing the hole through which the tightening bolt passes, to elongate.  Hence, the new bracket (approximately $19) cost me an alternator for $200!
Tom Glennon, Slow Dance #354, 1987, Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts

Stu Jackson


We bought our entire bracket assembly for our M25 conversion at Sea Power, Oakland, CA, 510-533-9290.  I know other side of the country, but there is UPS.  My understanding is that you only need the arm that goes from the engine underneath the alternator.  The picture of all of the parts is on the Projects page:

If you can't find anyone closer, you may consider trying an automotive shop (West Marine's universal brackets don't seem to work).

A replacement alternator source is in Jim Moe's electrical article in Projects (100A for only $140 and they also now make a 75A model for $110):

Fair winds, good luck.
Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Cowichan Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

"There is no problem so great that it can't be solved."

Ron Hill

Tom : I'd guess that your welded bracket will get you back home, especially if you welded a washer on the outside to reinforce the weld.  If you want a new bracket I'd look in any automotive store, alternator shop and don't forget the local Kubota dealer.

On the alternator, I'd take it to a machine shop and hole enlarged so they could put the proper size sleeve in it for that size bolt.   :wink:
Ron, Apache #788

Tom Glennon

Thanks guys, I will try the local Kubota dealer and see if they have the arm.  The shop doing the welding had some that were close, but not the correct length... they did say they could fabricate a longer one by welding the additional piece (splice) onto the top portion. I am just wondering how well the weld will hold up.  Afterall, there really isn't too much pressure on it, once the top bolt is secured on the alternator itself, and the lower one affixed.
Tom Glennon, Slow Dance #354, 1987, Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts

Ron Hill

Tom : It's been my experience that the "weld" is stronger than the stock material!!   :thumb: 
Ron, Apache #788