Time to say goodby

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john meyer

:cry4`Reluctantly we have sold our '98, #1393, "Shekinah" this past week.  She's been the best boat we ever owned but wanderlust and 2 footitus (actually 4 foot) got us.  I'm sure we're making a good decision but at the same time, tears were cried when we locked her up for the last time.  Almost as important, I am thoroughly convinced this is the best site on the web for any sailboat manufacture or size.  I have gained so much over six years from all of you.  Godspeed to all of you!

Jon Schneider

You can't leave us without telling us what specific strain of four-footitus you succumbed to.
Jon Schneider
s/v Atlantic Rose #1058 (1990)
Greenport, NY USA

Stu Jackson


Sorry to hear, but all the best.  Just two things:

1.  Let the new owner know about the Association.

2.  Teach the new owner how to keep the beer cold in the fridge!

Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Cowichan Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

"There is no problem so great that it can't be solved."

john meyer

First, a Merry Christmas to all and second, a response to these questions.  Stu, you have a memory like an elephant.  The new owner will have no problem keeping his root beer cold.  When  I wrote my thread many years ago, I thought it was the batteries.  I replaced the originals with golf carts and recommend that to all when battery changes come.  Be that as it may, I still had an issue and using the excellent search engine in this site, I replaced my charger.  Problem solved.  I still believe in keeping the fridge running full time during the season.  Stu's second statement - letting the new owner know of this stellar association-done and I can't help but believe that the support and knowledge found here helped to sway his mind.  Jon, since I had a 34 and caught fourfootitish, pretty obviously I've ended up with a 38.  But, and I have to whisper this, it's a Hunter.  I say that with a little embarrassment because several years ago I slammed Hunter's in this web site.  (my wife always says, 'what you do come back on you') - she's right.  The new Hunter 38 simply filled the bill best, of what we needed in our next boat.  Our 34 has been a phenomenal boat - tears were shed at the parting.  Just like one can always look back and say, 'he was my best dog ever', I wonder if sometime in the future I'll look back and say 'the Catalina 34 was my best boat ever'.  Only the shadow knows.  Till we meet again on the waters....