Looking for Mast Checklist from Ron Hill

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Paul Blumenfeld

I found this post I copied to my computer from Ron about a checklist on taking down and putting up the mast. I'm not finding the old post or the checklist using search on the current web site.  I'm pulling the mast down to replace the standing rigging later this month and looking for all the info I can find.  If anyone can point me in the right direction for this checklist I'd appreciate it.



posted February 20, 2003 02:56 PM February 20, 2003 03:56 PM

While you've got the Mast down....
Mark : Sorry that my source was wrong about Charleston Spars !!! Anyway you got an answer.

In the Aug 2001, I wrote an article on installing a TV antenna. Phil Imhoff and I also wrote a checklist on taking down and putting up the mast. In that article I also mention all the things that I did when the mast was down. If you haven't done it before it's not as tramatic as it seems.

To coat screws, bolts and rivits I just use water resistant grease. The important thing is to get a coating between the two items. APACHE #788 

Ali'ikai #312
Channel Islands, CA

Craig Illman

I'm going to be doing the same thing. I'm interested as well. Thanks!

Craig Illman

Ron Hill

Guy's : If you look in the May 2001 C34 Mainsheet Tech Notes you'll find my article entitled  "Pulling a Keel Stepped Mast". 
As you said it's a check list that I made because I couldn't seem to find one in any of the many Sailing publications.  Hope it saves you some "head scratching".   :thumb: 
Ron, Apache #788

Craig Illman

Paul Blumenfeld

Thanks Ron.  I always have trouble using the search feature on the tech articles.

Ali'ikai #312
Channel Islands, CA