Holding Tank Vent

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Does anyone know where the holding tank vent is located?  Is it behind the Electrical Panel?  We have hull 1450 - 1999 C34 Mark II.  Trying to track down a bad boat smell which started this summer.  The bilge is dry.  There are no visible leaks on the hoses, next step is to pull out the holding tank, and look harder for loose connections and hose cracks.  Could this be residue left over from the building process such as sawdust?  The smell is not really a "potty" smell, more of a must/mildew smell eminating from the sea locker, holding tank hole, any closed area.  This got much worse when the humidity rose this summer.


The holding tank vent hose leads behind the electrical panel to the base of the stanchion that is right above.  Check that stanchion and you'll see a small hole at the base, that's your vent!
Roc - "Sea Life" 2000 MKII #1477.  Annapolis, MD

Stu Jackson


Before you start pulling stuff out, read this:

Peggy Hall
Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Cowichan Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

"There is no problem so great that it can't be solved."


Stu really is a fountain of knowledge.  The article that he suggests in the post above (which I just read for the first time) should be required reading for any boat-owner with a head (marine, or the kind generally found above the neck).  It will be on the c-34 website shortly.

Dave Smith
Bear Territory #1421

Roland Gendreau

Stu, is the link to Peggie Hall's article is out of date..do you have an updated link  on the topic of holding tank venting?
Roland Gendreau
1992 MK 1.5
Gratitude #1183
Bristol, RI

Ken Juul


If it doesn't have a "potty" smell then it is probably not.  On the MK1 the vent line goes from the top of the holding tank up the bulkhead just forward to the electrical panel behind the sliders, then aft into the cabinet over the electrical panel and then up to the vented strut.  It is just a press fit with a couple 90° fittings.  MkII should be similiar.  You should be able to hear air being sucked into the vent when you pump out.

Do you have salt water in the bildge...it will smell.  Do you use salt water to wet flush the toilet....the water in the intake line between the thru hull and  the toilet will stink after sitting for a week.  Do you ventilate the boat using the dorades/solar powered vents or keep it locked up tight?  Hot and humid climates will make conditions worse.

Lots of things can cause the boat to smell....need more info. 
Ken & Vicki Juul
Luna Loca #1090
Chesapeake Bay
Past Commodore C34IA

Stu Jackson

Quote from: Roland Gendreau on February 18, 2011, 08:30:28 AM
Stu, is the link to Peggie Hall's article is out of date..do you have an updated link  on the topic of holding tank venting?

Yes, it is out of date, 10 years later! :D  The "Boat Safe" website is handy to have for a lot of other things.  Peggie's original article was taken down once she published her book.

As far as head odors go, to deal with the sea water smell, read this topic, Fresh Water From Head Sink, all three pages with pictures:  http://c34.org/bbs/index.php/topic,5755.0.html

Do an advanced search on Peggie Hall as author and you'll find much more information.  A "How To" on searching is in Reply #1 on the sticky "Too Much Information"  http://c34.org/bbs/index.php/topic,5260.0.html


1.  Learn to use your head properly and consider the fresh water "last flush of the day" method - it works.

2.  Make sure your vent line is clear

3.  Holding tanks rarely leak, it's usually the fittings

4.  Consider PureAyre (www.purearye.com) for cleaning

5. Ventilate, ventilate, ventilate
Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Cowichan Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

"There is no problem so great that it can't be solved."

Ron Hill

Guys : The holding tank vents into the port side stanchion on the deck above the main electrical panel.  The starboard water tank vents thru the same stanchion on the starboard side.

As Stu said "ventilation, ventilation, ventilation" is the real key to keeping the smells down (after having a dry bilge).  I believe that I'm one of the few owners that have a vent grill on each of the compartments - under the settees, holding tank compartment, battery compartment, compartment FWD of the mast etc etc.

A thought
Ron, Apache #788

Peggie Hall

I tried to send you a private message, but you aren't registered here, so I have no choice but to do this publicly,

Quote from: Admin on August 20, 2001, 02:15:23 PM
Stu really is a fountain of knowledge.  The article that he suggests in the post above (which I just read for the first time) should be required reading for any boat-owner with a head (marine, or the kind generally found above the neck).  It will be on the c-34 website shortly.

Have you ever heard of copyrights?   I dunno where people get the idea that it's ok to just hijack anyone's published material just because it might be useful. Now I'm not only dealing with that damned article but now I'm starting to find whole chapters of my book online!  Get permission before just hijacking someone's work!
Peggie Hall
Specializing in marine sanitation since 1987
Author "The NEW Get Rid of Boat Odors - A Guide To Marine Sanitation Systems and Other Sources of Aggravation and Odor"

Peggie Hall

Quote from: Merit on August 20, 2001, 05:04:14 AM
Does anyone know where the holding tank vent is located?  Is it behind the Electrical Panel?  We have hull 1450 - 1999 C34 Mark II.  Trying to track down a bad boat smell which started this summer.  The bilge is dry.  There are no visible leaks on the hoses, next step is to pull out the holding tank, and look harder for loose connections and hose cracks.  Could this be residue left over from the building process such as sawdust?  The smell is not really a "potty" smell, more of a must/mildew smell eminating from the sea locker, holding tank hole, any closed area.  This got much worse when the humidity rose this summer.

The tank vent isn't the source of any musty mildew swampy smell...Neither is the toilet or the tank...so nothing you do to improve ventilation to the tank or prevent sea water odors in the toilet will solve your problem.

When was the last time, if ever, that you cleaned your bilges--really CLEANED 'em and flushed ALL the dirty water out and then dried 'em out instead of just dumping some more "miracle" cleaner in and calling it done? 'Cuz a musty swampy odor means you have a musty moldy swamp somewhere. If your bilges are dry, there's trapped water under the sole somewhere. Not only is it causing odor, but can also result in rot...so you NEED to find it and remove it.

Btw...PureAyre is not a cleaning product. It only removes residual odors AFTER the source of an odor has been eliminating by using a cleaning product (bleach is not a cleaning product either).

Yes, Roland, I do have updated material on holding tank venting.. Click on the link in my signature to get to it.
Peggie Hall
Specializing in marine sanitation since 1987
Author "The NEW Get Rid of Boat Odors - A Guide To Marine Sanitation Systems and Other Sources of Aggravation and Odor"

Stu Jackson

Quote from: Peggie Hall on February 18, 2011, 08:40:14 PM
I tried to send you a private message, but you aren't registered here, so I have no choice but to do this publicly,

Quote from: Admin on August 20, 2001, 02:15:23 PM
Stu really is a fountain of knowledge.  The article that he suggests in the post above (which I just read for the first time) should be required reading for any boat-owner with a head (marine, or the kind generally found above the neck).  It will be on the c-34 website shortly.

Have you ever heard of copyrights?   I dunno where people get the idea that it's ok to just hijack anyone's published material just because it might be useful. Now I'm not only dealing with that damned article but now I'm starting to find whole chapters of my book online!  Get permission before just hijacking someone's work!


I note that this original post was from back in 2001.  We agree about copyrights and copying.  Please ignore the "It will be on the c-34 website shortly."  That registrant is no longer active on this message board, that's why you couldn't contact him.


Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Cowichan Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

"There is no problem so great that it can't be solved."

Peggie Hall

There's  more to the story. I haven't updated that d'd article since 1996! So much of the information in it has gotten so out of date as to be BAD information...which not only misleads people, but doesn't do a thing for my reputation!  When I realized how much it needed, I knew it was time to write a book instead.   It was on several sites...all of whom willingly removed it at my request when my book was published...all but one, that is:  boatbuilding.com. 

They not only refuse to take it down, they've just totally ignored my every request.  They're the ones who've "updated" it...replacing my email address when they discover I changed it...my phone number when I moved to Arkansas. I've tried to join, but the site apparently has blocked my email address. So short of locating a hacker who's willing risk arrest I dunno how I'm EVER gonna get it off their site!

Just one site wouldn't be that bad...but as you just saw about to happen here, people read it and want to either put a link to it on their own site or copy/paste the whole damned thing!  A couple of times a year I google for it and find it on at least a couple more sites. Fortunately they've all been willing to remove it...up to now.

But lately I've even found whole sections of my book chapters...just yesterday in fact. Which I hope explains why I kinda went balllistic last night when I saw that d'd "Fact vs. Folkore" article turn up here.  I almost had a stroke! I'm just glad the link no longer worked!

It's become just about impossible to protect intellectual property any more...I don't most people realize they're breaking the law when they post copyrighted material--or that it even registers that something IS copyrighted...I'm sure you didn't, Stu.  However, but there are a few--like boatbuilding.com--who don't care.

So please accept my apology for the tantrum I threw last night.   :oops:  I promise to behave from now on.

Meanwhile...anybody know any good hackers looking for work?  :twisted:
Peggie Hall
Specializing in marine sanitation since 1987
Author "The NEW Get Rid of Boat Odors - A Guide To Marine Sanitation Systems and Other Sources of Aggravation and Odor"


They have this written about your stuff Peg.

Copyright 1997 by The Hall Group, Inc. All rights reserved. The material contained herein may be reproduced in whole or in part, provided it is without alteration in newsletters and similar not-for-profit publications.

Ciao tutti


Jim Hardesty

This is off subject..so please excuse me.
Last year I bought Peggy's book.  I found it to be great information and highly recommend it.  It's only the price of a bottle of head deodorizer and last much longer.  Nothing detracts from a day of sailing like a disagreable boat smell.  So, my recommendation, if you have a boat odor problem.  Buy or borrow the book.
Jim Hardesty
2001 MKII hull #1570 M35BC  "Shamrock"
sailing Lake Erie
from Commodore Perry Yacht Club
Erie, PA

Roland Gendreau

Thanks all, sorry I didnt notice the date of the original posting that had the outdated link. 

The tiny vent hole in the stanchion for the holding tank vent seems to impose quite a limitation on the effectiveness of the holding tank vent line.

What is the best way to increase the effective ventilation of the holding tank ??  Is it to add another vent line to the holding tank ?

Where is a good place to route the new vent line to?


Roland Gendreau
Gratitude #1183
Roland Gendreau
1992 MK 1.5
Gratitude #1183
Bristol, RI