New mainsail configuration

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Bruce Hanson

I am shopping for a new main and have learned I have the option of a shelf foot or a loose foot. We have yet to take any long trips but hope to in the future. I will probably never race but would like to keep up with most of the other boats. 1989 tall rig, wing keel, any opinions?

Gary Ambrose

Hi Bruce,

I have had both types of mainsails and definitely have a very high regard for loose footed. It is not just that the sail can be fine tuned but that the initial cut and shape of the sail seems to be improved when the foot has shape built in to the sail. It is always fun to be quick amongst other boats moving over the water. You can tell the difference both with loose footed mains and more importantly a new, well made sail.

While I offer this information I would admit to currently having a Doyle Stack Pack where the sail cover is part of the sail and is of course not loose footed. It is very nice to drop the sail and have it self store (it is also full battened). The best is taking a reef and have the excess sail reside in the sail cover.

There are always a variety of choices: convenience, excellent shape, loose or slab footed for one to choose from. All said, whatever choice you make, new sails are a real pleasure and will improve performance.