Hump Hose on back-order

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I have it from reliable sources that Catalina neglected to keep up their stock of hump hose, so now they are on back-order with Trident.

Apparently, Trident makes the 1 5/8" hose specifically for Catalina in the two lengths we know about (8" and 6" I believe), and I don't think anybody else makes or sells this diameter and length hump hose.

So if you are planning on doing the muffler/hump hose job, better wait for another month or so.  I, unfortunately, already installed a new muffler, and while I'm waiting for the hump hose I'll have to revert to installing the original kind straight exhaust hose, which I'm sooo not looking forward to wrestling with.  Then I'll have fun taking that out once I get the new hump hose.  Gotta go cruising on Memorial Day weekend!

For those curious about the muffler project:

with some effort I was able to get the old muffler out and the new muffler in from under the aft cabin berth.  Just a lot of wiggling, but it went.  The new muffler came with in/out ports that were at least 1" longer than the 2 1/4" ones on the old one, so I had to saw them off, otherwise there would have been absolutely no way to put it back in.

My old muffler was leaking profusely, but I could not tell from where.  All I knew was that it was from somewhere around the base, not from the in or out ports.  So once I had it out, I filled it with water to test.  Obviously, it was not under pressure and it was cold, which might affect the test result.  But to my surprise it seemed to be leaking only from the aft stbd screw hole!  I could clearly see it drip through the hole - maybe the bottom got delaminated inside and the water found a path to that hole?

Anyway, I'm happy to be rid of that black water leak.
929 Soliton 1989
Seattle, WA


I have a 2000 model, so my muffler in/out ports are not out the top like yours, but are on the sides (facing engine and facing aft).  I couldn't use the hump hose from Catalina because that was designed for a straight shot to the elbow, like on your muffler.  At a recent boat show, I went to the Vetus booth and saw that they make a very flexible exhaust hose (most flexible in the industry according to them).  So I changed my stiff hose to the Vetus hose.  I figured this might not be as good as a hump hose, but certainly better than the stiff hose that was on there.  The diameter they supply is 1-9/16, but it will fit on the muffler.  Actually, the 1-5/8 hose seemed too big when I pulled it off the elbow on the engine.  I don't think the elbow and muffler ports are the same size (elbow being a tad smaller).
Roc - "Sea Life" 2000 MKII #1477.  Annapolis, MD

Ron Hill

Fulvio : On your first two assumptions you are correct.  Trident ONLY makes the 1 5/8" for Catalina unless you'd like to put in an order for 100 from Trident and then they'll sell them to you (Mainsheet about 1997).

If your leak is not on the in/out tube then as you saw the area around the holes for the hold down lag bolts is the next most vulnerable area. (that hole was drilled too close to the top/bottom sealing causing the leak)

Don't have any easy way to get that old stiff hose back on while you wait for the hump hose.  When reassembling, Just remember that the end of the riser has some "give", but the inlet hose tube on the muffler is somewhat tender and can crack.  Good luck.   :wink:
Ron, Apache #788


Well, that was almost too easy!   :D

The hose went on in 2 minutes flat!  I soaked it in almost boiling water for a couple of minutes, applied dish soap, and then I first pushed it onto the muffler port, slipped all the clamps on, and then bent it to go on the exhaust riser.  

Now I can go cruising while I wait for the hump hose...  :clap
929 Soliton 1989
Seattle, WA