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Has anybody done anything to improve the sound proofing in the engine compartment? I know there are a number of products out there. My boat is a 1988.......THANX PAUL


I removed and replaced the engine compartment insulation on my 1993 boat last winter.  The insulation had a mylar face with foam backing.  The foam backing was disintegrating.  When I cleaned the engine I noticed it was covered in powder from the backing after running for a short time.

I removed the replaced the insulation with the same type only the 1" thick version.  I believe the original was 1/2" thick.  Although it was tough to tell from the condition it was in.  Found it on ebay for far less then advertised in West or Whitneys.  I also used aluminum tape to trim the edges after cutting to the size of the original pieces.  I was hoping this would keep moisture and heat away from the foam backing.  

Most of the old insulation came off in large chuncks when I removed the screws holding it in place.  But I found that the backing had a double faced tape on it that was a problem to remove.  It was quite a messy job.  Have some garbage bags available to drop the old stuff into.  Save the mylar part to use as a pattern.

The improvement using the 1" thick insulation was noticable, but not dramatic.  I have also installed a flexable coupling on the shaft and rubber pads on the bottom of the companionway ladder, lazaret hatch, and the head and aft cabin doors.  Each of which has helped dampen the engine noise.

Jim Price

Jim Price
"LADY DI", 1119
Lake Lanier, GA

Gene Regan

   I have a box of 1 inch foam foil backed insulation. I bought two and have this one left over unopened. I purchased from a company who makes it for boat builders. I works great. It is adhesive backed already so no gluing or screwing was needed. I paid 175.00 per box and will sell it to you for 125..00 if you pay shiping,its more than enough to do your compartment and head closet. Let me know. mr6687@aol.com

Kyle Ewing

I just ordered a kit from sailorsollution.com as described elsewhere on this board.  I'll let everyone know how it works.  I have high hopes.

One question:  What is the minimum clearance required around the engine and components (i.e. alternator)?

Kyle Ewing
Donnybrook #1010
Belmont Harbor, Chicago
Kyle Ewing
Donnybrook #1010
Belmont Harbor, Chicago

Jim Price

Kyle, my other link listed above takes you to my comment about sailorsolution insulation.  Your question, I installed with M25XP in 1991 and used everywhere.  I put insulation on the inside of the two access doors plus covered every inch around the engine.  The alternator clears just fine.  Also, I put insulation inside of head access (under sink) and that eliminated a ton of noise.  My only remaining noise now comes from the upper and lower companion way steps.  I plan to add rubber trim to bottoms of all and even to top of engine hatch cover to get rid of vibrations (goes away when you stand on steps).  I highly recommend product.
Jim Price
"LADY DI", 1119
Lake Lanier, GA



I did the soundproofing from sailsolutions.  I am very happy.  Not only did I do around the engine, but I did the oil and alternater hatch as well as the door in the head.  

They are VERY sticky, you only get one chance to stick it, otherwise you make a mess lifting and resticking it.  All you need is a sharp utility knife.

Good luck,


Thanx for the input everybody..... How many squares of insulation did you use? Thanx again PAUL.......

John Gardner

Someone recently gave me some 2 inch thick sound insulation with the lead layer.  Now there's fun getting that to fit in!  I've become a sculptor.  In fact I have yet to tackle the port side of the engine bay where the space is least.  But at least I don't have the decaying foam debris any more.  Since I haven't noticed a lot of difference in the noise, I'll not spend omore time on this unless anyone asks.

However, what did make a lot of difference when I first bought the boat...  I put a felt strip on each side edge of the sliding vertical engine hatch, and an over-center latch on the top of the hatch at each side to pull the two door jambs (cabin and heads) tight against the hatch. It got rid of a whole lot of vibration noise.
John Gardner, "Seventh Heaven" 1988 #695, Severn River, Chesapeake Bay.

Jim Price

Paul T.  I got the 18 tile kit and that covered the engine area plus the doors and small bulkhead under head sink I mentioned earlier.  I also ordered additional 6 tile kit (not yet installed) and plan to use those tiles on some of the area underneath the aft bed area and around the back side of engine.  Not exactly sure where but figured a little more in that area would cut down on noise transmission through the cavern behind the engine area.  Bottom line, without making any cutting mistakes you should be able to get by with the 18 tile kit.
Jim Price
"LADY DI", 1119
Lake Lanier, GA

Kyle Ewing

I'm pleased with the results.  I first placed it on the removable pieces (top and front) and it cut down on the higher pitched sound.  Later I put it on the sides of the engine compartment and it is noticeably quieter.  Standing at the helm I now hear more engine noise from the exhaust and instruments than from the companionway.  I'd guess (maybe optimistically) that the engine is as loud at 2700 RPMs as it was pre insulation at 2000 RPMs

The existing insulation was still in good shape (similar type of material, only thinner) so I applied the new stuff over it.  I cleaned up the seams with aluminum tape.  Next I'll add to the door under the sink in the head and later I'll add hold down screws.  

If I only motored in and out of the harbor the project might not be worth the effort.  Since it seems I end up motoring extending periods of time at least one leg of each trip, I'm hoping it'll payoff in less stress for captain and crew.

Kyle Ewing
Donnybrook #1010
Belmont Harbor, Chicago
Kyle Ewing
Donnybrook #1010
Belmont Harbor, Chicago



I did the same sound proofing you did.  I bought a few extra squares and put them on the back side of the big  wood opening in the aft cabin (under the cushions).  That also made a bid difference.
