Genoa Foot Blocks

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Mark Wey

Sun, age and use have deteriorated both of the Genoa foot blocks shattering them (on the same day) and rendered them useless. They were the old vinyl plastic design. I have purchased new guts from Garhauer and am ready to install them. I managed to get at the nuts at the back end of the port block by removing the engine control panel. The starboard side is a different story however. I see no access directly on the side or below in the aft cabin. There is a beckson port below, however I cannot decide if it is there for winch access or the foot block. Regardless it is not in a beneficial position and when I removed the cover I found that there was a good layer of foam sprayed inside.

I did a search and found nothing that answered my questions. Has any done this and how did you gain access?  Any help please??


Mark Wey
2004 C-36