Replacement Diesel Fuel Cap

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OK it was my turn to do it, and to make matters worse I saw it coming.  I lost my diesel fuel cap over the side when the chain gave way.  It's the solid black plastic "twist off one", not the one used with a winch handle or the latest stainless one.  My boat is a 1997 Mark 2 and Catalina stopped stocking the caps.

I remember this thread a while back last summer, did anyone successfully find these caps?   If not what replacement did you use that matched the hole line-up.

Kudos to my first mate who while standing on the floating fuel dock ready to pay, slowly dove in after it.  Now have I got her trained or what??  Only problem was she took my wallet in with her.

Dave Chu
MeHa 1342

Stu Jackson

Dave, I was just waiting for someone to bring this one up again!

Al Watson found this a while ago:

urfing the net and found that Catalina Direct has the Replacement Deck Pipe  Caps
Red - Fuel Z1874  $10.95
Blue -Water  Z1872  $10.95
Black - Waste Z1873 $10.95

See them at:

I got them by mail order in a few days and they work great.

Suggestion: since they are plastic, coat them with suntan lotion!  Yes, really.  Keeps them from breaking down in the UV.

One of the best ways to avoid having this happen  is to DISCONNECT the dang chains to begin with.  Then one doesn't rely on them.  Be careful when removing the caps, place them in the cockpit and bingo, they stay there.

Hope your wallet came back, too.

Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Cowichan Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

"There is no problem so great that it can't be solved."

Bill Sedgwick


I saw some caps at Horizon Marine recently. You should give them a try.
George W (Bill) & Jo Ann Sedgwick
SchatzSea #1031


This is working out just as I remembered from the previous thread.  You can get replacement caps for the earlier version that used the winch handle, from either Catalina or Catalina direct.  You can get replacement caps from Catalina for the current stainless steel caps.

But you can't get replacement parts for the cap in between that is solid black, doesn't require a key or winch handle, and has a little clipper ship embossed on it.

So I'll change the whole darn thing this upcoming weekend.  I am glad the water cap was the same size so I could use it temporarily.

So if you have one of these caps, please beware and heed the suggestion to just take the chain off.

Dave Chu
MeHa 1342

mitch brown


 I used the caps that West Marine carry. They are the "winch handle" type and are color coded, which come in handy when telling a neophyte where to put in water, etc. HOWEVER, one word of caution about using the water cap "temporarily" in place of the deisel cap. I did the same and duct taped the water fill until I could get the appropriate cap. GUESS WHAT!?!? A very eager sailmate (arrived before I got to the boat) decided he would top off the "water tanks" to help me speed up our departure for Catalina Is. Half way across the channel when the engine quit, we discovered what had happened. The Universal M25 doesn't run too well with a deisel/freshwater H20 mix. It was proven that water is heavier than deiselfuel!!! It was an honest mistake but turned out to be a costly one after having to have the tank pumped out. Lesson learned the hard way!!  :cool:

mitch brown

sorry about the spelling mistake -- diesel. I must have been feeling a little dyslexic today.

Stu Jackson

It just occurred to me:  

1.  winch handles are usually stowed inboard behind locked compartments.

2.   you were looking for hand operated caps

3.  wouldn't the "helpful" diesel / water filler have had more trouble getting the cap off if he didn't have access to a winch handle?  

(OK, OK, he could have used some other sort of blunt instrument to unscrew the cap.)
Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Cowichan Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

"There is no problem so great that it can't be solved."



This older thread is what I found after a search on my attempt to replace my diesael and water caps.
Catalina Direct said that their listed red diesel cap requires a winch handle. Mine is the black one that requires the spanner to open it. He says the Catalina Direct one may not fit.

Has anyone tried the red one from CD to replace the black spanner one I have (1990 model) or found one that works.

I don't want to repalce the whole housing .

Tom Hawkins - 1990 Fin Keel - #1094 - M35

Stu Jackson

Hawk, congratulations on finding this one, it's kinda like a "Classic" topic!  :D

Buy one, see if it fits, if it doesn't simply return it.  CD is good like that, as are most internet chandlers.  Yeah, s/h is yours, but even so...

Our boat is an '86 and they have worked just fine for many, many years.  You'll get the "don't over-tighten or you'll crack the plastic" stories, and watch the O-rings, get rid of the chains, and if it fits, you're done.

If not...gee, this is one of those times that I have real fun sayin': "Your boat, your choice!"

Got nothin' to lose.  :D

I also think CD has dimensioned drawings on their website, if not look 'em up and compare them to what you have.  IIRC, the ones I had were like yours and I replaced them with the winch handle ones.  Been a looooooong time, though. :clap

Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Cowichan Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

"There is no problem so great that it can't be solved."



Thanks. You made me think I should just try the existing water cap in the diesel one and see if she fits.
I`ll end up getting one sent up with the others likely and report back if it does or doesn`t fit.

I like your sunscreen idea but have you recoated the caps with Coppertone since 2001:)

Tom Hawkins - 1990 Fin Keel - #1094 - M35

Stu Jackson

I have.  I have also painted them when a friend was doing his.  And I also have, gulp, backups on board.
Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Cowichan Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

"There is no problem so great that it can't be solved."


Painted my replacements when they were new and they have held up very well.

I also have back-ups. :nail
Ciao tutti



Painted with what?....they are such a nice red and blue............I take it to protect the plastic from the sun.
Tom Hawkins - 1990 Fin Keel - #1094 - M35


They are a nice red and blue for avery short time.  Once the sun starts doing its magic ...
Ciao tutti



I recently lost the rear water cap overboard. I had earlier replaced the midship water cap with an aluminium one I found but felt the cost was a tad over the top ($50) her in Oz,  so went for a standard 50mm or 2inch thread black plastic plumbing fitting for only $4.50. The thread was too long but cut it down and sanded it as well as the top to round off the hex head a bit.
Tony Plunkett
C34 Moonshadow
1992  Hull#1174
Pittwater / Newport
NSW Australia