Knot meter

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Larry Calfee, Top Priorit

Recently my knot meter has been showing figures that are 6 to 7 times as fast as I am going.  The brand is Signet. 1987 Catalina 34.  Has anyone else had this problem and know where the problem may be?

Ray & Sandy Erps

If it's the digital readout type, someone may have messed with the calibration button while trying to reset the log or something like that.  My speed readout varies as marine growth interferes with the paddle wheel one way or the other and I find myself adjusting it to what I think the average boat speed should be. I use the knot meter primarily for seeing if sail adjustments etc. result in bigger numbers and use the GPS to figure out how fast I'm going.
Ray & Sandy Erps,
'83, 41 Fraser "Nikko"
La Conner WA


........and it is only 17 years old.  The gremlins have attacked.  I wouldn't bother looking for a cause.  It has served you well. Retire it to a place of honor (like the bottom of the ocean) and go on.
Jim Kane

Larry Calfee

Jim, the boat is 17 years old too and though it has served me well, I am not ready to retire it to the bottom of the ocean either.  If there is a simple solution as Ray suggests with a calibration adjustment, I would rather save the $400 or so it would cost to replace it and spend a little effort looking for the cause of the error.  If it is truely broken that is another matter, but I would rather determine it is dead before it is duried.

dave davis

Larry, I would try Signet Sopport at
SIGNETMARINE • 505 Van Ness Avenue Torrance, California 90501
(310) 320-4349 • (310) 320-5026 Fax
Have your Model and year ready to help them firure out whats wronge. There nice peaple too. Good Luck, Dave
Dave Davis San Francisco, 707, Wind Dragon, 1988, South Beach

Ray & Sandy Erps

I just looked at some of the paperwork I have here at home concerning the boat and found that my knotmeter is a Signet as well.  I have the manual on the boat.  If you don't have yours, I could scan the instructions for adjusting it and email them to you.
Ray & Sandy Erps,
'83, 41 Fraser "Nikko"
La Conner WA

Stu Jackson


I, too, have the original manual.  If you'd like, I'd be glad to just mail you my manual, and you can return it.  I have your address already, so let me know if you want it, or if you'd like to meet and I can drop it off.  Good to see you the other day.

Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Mill Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

"There is no problem so great that it can't be solved."

Larry Calfee

Thanks Stu, Ray and Dave for your helpful comments and suggestions.