Hydronic diesel boiler install

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I am getting ready yo pull the trigger on a Sure Marine diesel boiler install and wanted to find out if any current users have one and could share their component installation spots.  The one I am most interested to know is the expansion tank/headder tank.  I am considering mounting this in the cockpit coaming with a deck plate over the cap.  This will put an inspection plate in the cocpit coaming top which isnt my first choice but seems to be the best solution I can come up with.  Does anyone else have any alternate spots?

NOTE: The boiler will be mounted on the aft bulkhead in the port lazerette.  The headder tank needs to be ABOVE the furnace.  If someone has an alternate furnace/boiler location that has worked for them, I am all ears!!
Alex - Seattle, WA
91 mk1.5 #1120
Std rig w/wing keel
Universal M35


Antoni - Vancouver BC
1992 Catalina 34 Tall rig fin keel mk 1.5 "Polonaise"
Hull number 1179


Moving this back to the top in hopes that someone has installed one and can share their experience. 
Alex - Seattle, WA
91 mk1.5 #1120
Std rig w/wing keel
Universal M35

Holger Dieske

I'm also interested in the topic

I am a cruiser/Liveaboarder from Germany and I use Google-Translator! (and a little bit my brian ;) )

C34 "RUNAWAY" Mark 1.5 - 1992 WK - Hull Nr. 1219 - Yanmar3GM30F - Flag: German - Boat stay at the moment in Mediterranean Sea.


Whelp... not much action on this post.  I have given Sure Marine Service the go ahead to build the kit of parts for my hydronic system.  I should have the parts next week I suspect.  I will do my best to document the install in a future post.  If anyone sees this post and already has a hydronic system installed, I am still very much interested to know more about anyone else's install.
Alex - Seattle, WA
91 mk1.5 #1120
Std rig w/wing keel
Universal M35


Hello Alex,

We have a 2004 mk2 that we bought (used) with an Espar Hydronic heater installed.

The diesel boiler is installed on the forward bulkhead of the aft starboard locker and the expansion tank is in the same locker but mounted on the port bulkhead beside the shower box.  My mk2 might be different than your mk1.5.

I have 3 heat exchangers, one under the sink in the head, which has 3 ducts, one to the aft cabin, one to the companion way, and the 3rd to the head.  The second HE is located in the salon under the SB setee.  This HE is controlled only by the thermostat installed by the nav station.  The 3rd HE is in the V berth.  Both the V berth and Aft cabins have a High - Off - Low switch.

Let me know if you have other questions.  If you would like, I can take and send photos this weekend when we are back out on the boat.

Craig S.
s/v 2nd Chapter
Hull #1675, 2004 mk2, M35bc, Tall Rig
Vancouver, BC



This is SUPER helpful information.  Does the HE in the head have more than one fan or just a single fan (for the three ducts)?

My plan thus far us to have a HE for the head and aft cabin, one in the hanging locker blowing out to the salon via under the nav station, and a double HE under the stbd setee that has two fans with separate ducts allowing one port to the V-berth and one to the salon.

The boiler will likely get mounted in the port laz aft bulkhead (large one in the cockpit) and the expansion tank in the coaming with a deck plate for access.  It is going to be a bit tricky, but workabe. 

How do you like yours?
Alex - Seattle, WA
91 mk1.5 #1120
Std rig w/wing keel
Universal M35


2000 MkII, wing keel, #1471


Quote from: wingman on February 16, 2022, 05:55:32 PM
an older Panbo article might be useful, also some additional references mentioned

That is quite the complex system.  What is the reasoning for such a system when you can achieve the same thing with a diesel heater and 2000 watt generator?


I have seen that panbo article and it is a pretty great explanation.

As for why,  I want to have hot water at anchor without listening to an engine or haveing the anchorage listening to my engine (main engine or generator).  I am not sure what you meant by a diesel heater, but perhaps you were talking about the wall mounted kind with a stack... I don't want chimney's on deck.  Also, the size of holes needed to get ducting forward for a forced air unit is pretty challenging.

Plus... I love elegantly designed systems.  Where you see complicated, I see elegant. 
Alex - Seattle, WA
91 mk1.5 #1120
Std rig w/wing keel
Universal M35


Quote from: waughoo on February 17, 2022, 03:04:47 PM
I am not sure what you meant by a diesel heater, but perhaps you were talking about the wall mounted kind with a stack... I don't want chimney's on deck.  Also, the size of holes needed to get ducting forward for a forced air unit is pretty challenging.

A diesel heater like this Chinese model or a Webasto, or Eberspacher.

I have  2/12" ducting run to 3 registers. Yes, it is a PITA to run but probably easier than the hydronic unit.  I found I need only run the generator for 20-30 min. for hot water at anchor.


The gas gen is just not something I am interested in.  I would need to keep yet another fuel aboard and so on and so on.  I like the complexity and what it offers me in return. 
Alex - Seattle, WA
91 mk1.5 #1120
Std rig w/wing keel
Universal M35



The HE under the sink in the head has two fans.  One is controlled by the salon thermostat and provides heat the head and to the companion way.  The other fan is dedicated to the aft cabin and is controlled by a Hi - Low - Off switch in the aft cabin.

Craig S.
s/v 2nd Chapter
Hull #1675, 2004 mk2, M35bc, Tall Rig
Vancouver, BC


Thanks Craig.  Currently my set up is looking like a split heat exchanger at the starboard forward corner of the dinette that has one fan for V berth and the second for the salon.  Another heat exchanger somewhere in the hanging locker that exits under the nav station controlled in tandem with the other salon fan, and a third heat exchanger somewhere near the head that is split between the head and the aft cabin.
Alex - Seattle, WA
91 mk1.5 #1120
Std rig w/wing keel
Universal M35


Got started on the furnace install.  First step was to install the transom exit exhaust.  There was an unused cable gland in the upper port corner of the transom that I wanted to get rid of.  The exhaust fitting ended up fitting nicely in this spot.  To get a proper angle on the hole saw, I made a block as a guide that had the angle of the exhaust fitting which in this case was 60 degrees.
Alex - Seattle, WA
91 mk1.5 #1120
Std rig w/wing keel
Universal M35