Windex Fall Off?

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It seems as if my Windex has either come off my masthead or is dangling somewhere that I cannot see it. The telltales are still intact. Has anyone had this happen before? (No bridges or low hanging trees in our way). Does anyone have good pics of the masthead setup with all of the standard gear on it? I'd like to see what it "should" look like up there if I am able to get a bosuns chair and check it out. 96MkII
Jeff Lukowski
1996 Catalina 34 MkII
Tall Mast, Wing Keel, 35# Mantus M-1, M35 Universal
"Skyward", Hull #1307



That's the direction you'll have to go to fix it. Hopefully you're not uncomfortable with heights. My original blew away after a number of years, I think UW rays were the culprit. I replaced the original with a nicer unit, it was a relatively cheap and easy fix.
Kevin Quistberg                                                 Top Gun 1987 Mk 1 Hull #273

Jim Hardesty

Here is a mug shot of the perp on my friends boat
Jim Hardesty
2001 MKII hull #1570 M35BC  "Shamrock"
sailing Lake Erie
from Commodore Perry Yacht Club
Erie, PA



So the vertical post (and flags) are still there? 

The post is into the base, held w/a setscrew.
The arrow is held on the post pivot point with a shouldered machine screw (the shoulder forms the axel for the arrow) -- It might have loosened and backed out??
Twenty years from now you'll be more disappointed by the things you didn't do, than by the ones you did.
So throw off the bowlines.  Sail away from the safe harbor.  Catch the tradewinds in your sails.
Explore.  Dream.  Discover.   -Mark Twain

Ron Hill

Sky : You should have a masthead picture in your Owners Manual 4.1.5  I'd guess that All C34s have the "top mast head"
The horizontal mounting strap should be in-place so all you need to do is remove the old Windex post and mount the new one.

Like in Jim's picture, I swear that the gulls love it up there and even jump up & down on it just to test its strength.  The suns UV over the years takes its toll on the plastic and eventually the gulls win!!   :cry4`

A few thoughts
Ron, Apache #788


I don't know if this an old rusty lawn rake that is mounted to the sided of this truck -- but the owner says IT WORKS.

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Twenty years from now you'll be more disappointed by the things you didn't do, than by the ones you did.
So throw off the bowlines.  Sail away from the safe harbor.  Catch the tradewinds in your sails.
Explore.  Dream.  Discover.   -Mark Twain


Black wire ties on my masthead and radar have kept birds a bay for 5 years.
1990 hull #1014, San Diego, CA,  Fin Keel,
Standard Rig


The wire ties are a good idea to keep a bird off the mounting.  But I've seen birds perched ON THE WINDEX ITSELF!!!  As the wind blew the vane, and it moved from side to side, the bird stayed on for the ride!!
Roc - "Sea Life" 2000 MKII #1477.  Annapolis, MD

Ron Hill

Guys : There isn't much that you can do, but replace the Windex every 7 to 10 years.

Just hope that you don't have a situation like I have seen by having an Osprey try to build a nest - they are protected and what a MESS.

A thought

Ron, Apache #788


I had a similar Osprey problem a couple of years ago, he'd perch for the night on the neighbors mast head, with the prevailing breeze his crap would sail down onto my brand new covers, what a mess! I was astounded by how much crap could come out of one bird. I had to go down to the boat every night at dusk and chase him off with a laser or spend a couple of hours the next day cleaning up the crap. My "neighbor" refused to do anything to remedy the situation(dick)so I eventually moved to another dock.
Kevin Quistberg                                                 Top Gun 1987 Mk 1 Hull #273