Baggywinkle antichafing

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Has anyone run across instructions / diagrams on the web on how to make "baggywinkle" sail antichafing?  Found picture of USCG sailors making them via Google but no instructions.

Stu Jackson


I searched my files, but couldn't come up with anything.

Only suggestion I have is to try "Good Old Boat" magazine.  I seem to remember they had something on it years ago.  I believe they have an index on their website.

You also might try a search under ratlines.


[This message was edited by Stu Jackson #224 1986 "Aquavite" on August 26, 2003 at 04:46 PM.]
Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Mill Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

"There is no problem so great that it can't be solved."


You need a copy of "The Ashley Book of Knots".  It has all sorts of info about ropework, as well as every knot ever tied, and I am sure that I have seen baggywrinkle there.  Unfortunately, my copy is on the boat, so I can't give you a precise reference.  Maybe next week.

Ralph Caruso
s/v "On y va"  C34#777 Ches.Bay/Magothy

mike baker

On page 50 & 51 of the book "The Marlinspike Sailor" by Hervey Garrett Smith you will find how to make baggywrinkle.

Mike Baker #815 "Gray Hawk"


I went sailing yesterday (more fun than work) and ran across an old salt with baggywrinkle on his boat.  He told me that it was old "shag" carpeting cut in to narrow strips and wound around the shrouds.  His was commercially purchased and was held on with wire ties.
Jim Kane


Thanks for all the suggestions and information on possible resources on how to make Baggywinkles.  I did find an "advert" in the latest issue of Latitudes & Atitudes (Sept 2003; p. 1040 for a fellow in California who makes and sell them for $19.00 +$5. S&H per "set" (a pair?). However, I am going check the resources suggested by you'all and try to make my own.  If they are any good, I'll submit instructions with diagrams as a mid-westerners "winter (cold evening) project".
(PS - just got back from a 7-week cruise on the Great Lakes including 3 weeks in the North Channel & Georgian Bay {Lake Huron} of Ontario, Canada... fantastic!  30,000+ islands!... No kidding. My new "Navman" Chart Plotter worked great in helping us keep track of where we were and which island was which.... outstanding quality and service as well as price)

[This message was edited by Dan Harrington, #1289, 1994, "Weal Sea" on August 27, 2003 at 08:32 PM.]