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Project: New Stern Rail

Subject: [c30] new stern rail with integral seats
See write-up below pics



Subject: [c30] new stern rail with integral seats
I installed my new stern rail with integral seats last week; it took a half-day to do it and was fairly easy. All the nuts, bolts & washers were included. It was $714 for the two stern rails without the ladder. I worked with Greg at Catalina on a seat design that included a drink holder. I think the rail & seats are great and Sat. we sailed with them for the first time they were a hit!
You can sit facing forward or aft, I can seer with my foot while sitting in them and with no center bar it is much easier to use the swim ladder. It also comes wired for the stern light and has a built in flag holder.
The holes for the two posts on the stern lined up perfectly they are screwed into a brass plate that is glassed in at the factory and threaded, the round bases on the sides were about 2" further back Guido at Garhauer is sending me a couple of their pad eyes with the round bases to cover the spot left by the old rail He is going to put bigger eyes on them so I can use them for attachment points for my safety harness tethers (Isn't Garhauer GRRRREAT!).There is an additional post under the seat I just threaded the fiberglass and used 5200 to seal those legs and screws figuring I would put some washers and nuts on them at a later date when I found a 7/16" deep well socket and a 12" extension. (Actually the proper way would have been to Marine-Tex a piece of brass up their and drill & tap it after it cured)
Ed Reimbold, 1980 Catalina 30 TRBS, Hull #1914 TROIKA

I have is about the lifelines ... particularly where you say that the forward feet are now further aft. Did you have to change the length of the lifelines substantially?

I had to add a SS Chain link on one side of my lifelines it was an inch too short you could also use a toggle. The ladder is NOT Included.
Ed Reimbold, 1980 Catalina 30 TRBS, Hull #1914 TROIKA

Very nice. Looks like the rear stays are padded, do you use a tensioner? Just bought a new stern rail/ladder last season. Wish this one had been available. What is the price of the rail w/out the ladder?
Dan Wilcox ~ Carolina Beach, NC, Blown Away ~ 77' c30 ~ #773


I cut the center section out of mine last year and it is quite weak now. Looking at several fixes, but a new one might be a better idea. Did Catalina match all the existing mounting holes, etc.?

Hey Ed,
That looks beautiful! I will show the admiral and see what she thinks. I have talked to the guys at Catalina parts about this rail already. My question to you is how did the new rail section line up to the existing holes in the hull?

Also, did it fit without messing around with the length of the lifelines too much? I just replaced the lifelines last year and would hate to have to have to modify/replace them so soon. Oh also they said that it would be a little tricky getting a nut on the bolts anchoring the new rail feet, how did that go?
Skip Ramsay


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Last modified by Phil Imhof, Wednesday, August 11, 2004 . Copyright © 2001 by Catalina 34 International Association.  All rights reserved.