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Portable AC

I made an "adapter" which allows us to use a "Carry-On" A/C in the salon when in port... works great! These units are relatively inexpensive and can be taken off the boat when not needed. They are way to go if you don't require "big A/C capacity" (e.g. Florida). I also built a "removal shelf" for storing the A/C on the starboard satee in the aft cabin when under sail.

I've got the photos of both but need to compose the text with measurements for the project page. I'll try to get them to you within a month or so. In the mean time, I've attached a few example photos FYI. Note-- this project was made with "scrap wood" so.... the adapter & rack don't look fancy, but they are functional.

Dan Harrington
Weal Sea


Last modified by Mark Elkin, Sunday, March 20, 2005 . Copyright © 2005 by Catalina 34 International Association.  All rights reserved.