FAQ: Wind GeneratorsHas anyone added a wind generator to their C34? Are they noisy?The potential noise is a value judgement and seems to be a function of
the number of blades, blade size, mass, and aerodynamic design.
The noise, such as it is, comes from (a) rotational vibration and (b)
"wind in the rigging" as it passes through the blades. Other units swing relatively heavy blades over a much larger area and
some designs have all the sophistication of a coal shovel. A
friend has a Wind Bugger; a cheap and nasty two bladed unit of limited
power rigged in the fore triangle when not sailing. The
considerable vibration is somewhat damped by the halyard from which it
hangs but the wind noise is a real factor; but still less than the diesel!
One positive factor is that you will always know when the wind pipes up in
the middle of the night! |