FAQ: Mail OrderWhere can I get boat supplies and parts by mail order?Is this a good way to shop? You could try the following. For general marine gear:
You might want to try the following for communications gear:
The boat shows like Annapolis, Miami, etc. are great places to window shop and get great deals. I went to the Annapolis Boat show in October and probably saved 30% on normal catalog pricing, but I was buying a lot of gear for my 34 also. ($12,000+). The key is shop around and watch the shipping charges, they can break an otherwise great deal. At the boat show I got several deals where it included shipping in the already discounted price (Gerry Misener). I also use West Marine, but also find Defender Marine a very good and
low Although Defender is without a doubt usually cheaper than the others, they have a VERY tough return policy. For C-34 parts, the best place is the factory who you can contact at 818-884-7700 or fax 818-704-6612 (Ron Hill, C34 National Association Technical Editor) |