Temp gauge still a problem

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I've been having a problem with my temp gauge since I bought the boat.  It doesn't work.  Checked all the wiring, everything looks like it should be.  Figured it was probably the trailer hitch plugs.  Finally replaced them last week.  Ran all new wires from the engine directly to the engine panel. 
Still having a problem with the temp gauge.  When the engine is off and the key is out, the gauge reads 130*.  Soon as I put the key in and turn it to the first position, all the other gauges jump to correct positions but temp gauge drops to 0*.  Didn't have a chance to run the engine a while since I had already  winterized it but it's acting the same way as before my re-wiring.  Previously it would drop to 0 and stay there while running the engine.  Soon as the engine is off, it creeps back up to 130*.  Could the gauge be bad?

Craig Illman

yes, the gauge could be bad or it might be the sender. If you take the wire off the sender on the engine and go direct to ground, does the gauge "peg" to the right?



I'll give that a try next time I'm at the boat.  Is there some sort of  voltage test at the gauge I could do to see if it's bad?

Roland Gendreau

Roland Gendreau
1992 MK 1.5
Gratitude #1183
Bristol, RI
