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Messages - rmbrown

Main Message Board / Re: Mast Wedges
October 17, 2023, 01:36:48 PM
My boat is going back in the water Friday but it's 2.5 hours away.  Does anyone have dimensions for wedges handy that I could use to cut some new ones?
Welcome! I have hull 1251.  We are practically family!
Got mine, though I'm more concerned about a pump failure mid gulfstream!

I'll rebuild or replace in two months regardless.

I'll definitely rebuild this one... just Ideally not on my boat in the Bahamas with limited tools.  :)

All good... but if you see another let me know!
Alas, I missed it.
I've been running this pump approximately 2 years / 500 hours (been a good two years.)

Dripping just started, but I'll be pretty remote until I'm back across the gulf stream and even then plan coastal passages for the return trip to NC.  I can always sail if the motor dies... assuming that there's wind, but most of the east coast inlets I've done, and especially the ones I've never done, I'd feel much better doing with a running engine. :)  I know that's when it will fail!

I replaced hoses and cleaned out the Hx last spring, and have replaced impeller twice since then with all blades accounted for.  Zinc replaced once since then.  Water flow and temp normal.  I can't say it's not back pressure but I'm guessing (hoping?) not.  Plus I pulled the pump shaft and found a discolored ring and tiny bit of scratching/wear on the seal closest to the impeller.

Rebuild kit is on the say, but I'd rather not do it on my cabin sole with tools on board.  I'd rather rebuild it on my bench at the house in two months!
First, I checked with Ken Kloeber then CD.  CD says 8 weeks backorder.   Ken's honest and so tells me we don't know for sure when it might ship.  :)
I'm traveling on my C34 in the Bahamas and my oberdorfer raw water pump (N202M-16) is dripping via the weep holes... maybe a drop a minute.   If I didn't have 1000 miles to travel home, I'd just order and wait, but alas.

Problem is, the pumps are back ordered.   Rebuild parts have been ordered, but I'm on my boat, away from my shop and bench tools, in an amazing but remote area.

If anyone had one in their spares and didn't mind waiting the 8 weeks to get a new one, I'd happily make it worth your while!

For future readers... there's a screen on the outside of the vent.  It had maybe an inch of what looked like sand packed in behind it.   Flowing now.  I pulled the screen out with a bit of bent wire.
Removal is clearly the answer, but no trivial task on my M1.5... bulkhead, water tank removal, then crawl in.   My propane locker isn't removable without major surgery so far as I can tell.
Boat yoga indeed.   Sadly, 6 weeks ago, I had the water tank and rudder out and spent a week laying aft of the rudder post tube... but alas... I didn't know it was clogged!
Main Message Board / Re: Adler Barbor problems
March 07, 2021, 09:27:56 AM
Loving my Fridgoboat from Coastal Climate Control in MD.  They are great to work with.   I installed myself.

My favorite part of the newer systems... likely AB as well... is that you can break the coolant line connections to repair or replace without dumping the coolant.

Two optional components I got and love are a digital thermostat and a Merlin speed control board.
Main Message Board / Propane locker vent clogged.
March 07, 2021, 09:05:24 AM
Anyone have any intel on the propane locker vent?

I removed my tank for filling and found water up to vent.   Water stank so I washed it out then noticed it didn't drain.

Looked here and catalina direct to see if the vent was just a hole or was screened or filtered but my search was inconclusive.  I found a similar shaped vent on catalina direct that has a flame arrestor built in,  but it didn't mention propane locker as a use case.
Hose pressure from either side doesn't blow it out.  A long wire tie from tank to vent shows it clear to vent then hard stop.  Same tie from outside finds no opening.  Operator error?

Main Message Board / Re: Exhaust soot on transom
February 10, 2021, 03:06:19 PM
I wish I knew.   Time to study!